Kembali Patah Hati

Setiap orang punya caranya sendiri buat bangkit dari yang namanya sakit hati. Mungkin cara mereka healing juga akan berubah seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Ngga ada yang bener dan ngga ada yang salah. Just dont judge the others. Mereka bebas buat nentuin dengan siapa mereka mau berbagi. Siapa yang mau mereka liat di timeline mereka. Apa yang mau mereka makan di hari patah hati. Berapa lama waktu yang mereka butuh buat nangis. Or how much they spent money just to make them happy. Its really not our business. Patah hati di umur seperempat abad terasa cukup berbeda memang. Its not about how long I cried to make me feel better anymore or buying some bags cause I need to feed my ego. But its more like, why do I wasting my time for someone who doesnt see my worth... Life must go on. Tomorrow is still Monday. You gotta work. Daily meeting is waiting. Also we still need to pay the bills. In the end, it will heal by themselves. Its okay to hv another good bye cause you gonna meet with ...