New Circle
Pernah ngga ada di suatu circle yang isinya orang-orang yang bukan "kamu banget" gitu? Katanya, kalau mau lihat bagaimana diri kalian, coba lihat lima orang terdekat kalian. Nah, waktu itu aku ngga ngerasain nih circle terdekat aku mencerminkan diriku kala itu. Kita flashback bentar ke tahun 2016. I joined an internship program from my Uni. There were 10 people who joined this program. I'm a kinda good to adapt with the new-life. It was easy for me to make friends with everyone. And lucky me I found close friends there. Two-people that really different from me. They are really kind and too sensitive at the same time. Both of them were really ambitious than I'm more like "let it go-person". Both of them also really introvert and overthinking. They treat me like I'm their baby (just because I can't cross the street but hey Hanoi has a pretty chaos traffic, trust me). They were smart students in my department btw. Jujur takut banget dulu t...